Top 3 Brilliant Reasons to Nominate Your Colleague for a 2019 Award of Excellence


1. They define ‘excellence’.

Outstanding, superior, an example of the best. These attributes describe the best in the LPN profession and supportive non-LPN health professionals.

2. Their work (and the work of their facility) should be shared with others.

The stories behind the Award Winners are shared in a glamorous, live presentation at the 2019 CLPNA AGM & Conference, and to 18,000 CARE magazine subscribers across Alberta and Canada.

3. They need to know how much they are appreciated.

Every LPN Award Winner receives a $1000 cash gift, and all winners receive a personalized, engraved crystal award.


Nominations are open for the 2019 LPN Awards of Excellence until February 15, 2019.

Award recipients are honoured by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta (CLPNA) and the Fredrickson-McGregor Education Foundation for LPNs at the 2019 CLPNA AGM & Conference Awards Dinner on May 6, 2019 in Edmonton.

How to Nominate

Laura Crawford Excellence in Nursing Practice Award (LPN)

For an outstanding Licensed Practical Nurse (nominated by their peers) who consistently demonstrates excellence in practice through exemplary nursing knowledge, skills, attitude and judgement; promoting an atmosphere of teamwork; pride in the profession; and mentoring team members.

Pat Fredrickson Excellence in Leadership Award (LPN)

For an outstanding Licensed Practical Nurse (nominated by their peers) who consistently demonstrates excellence in leadership through their professionalism, advocacy, communication, and passion for the profession.

Rita McGregor Excellence in Nursing Education/Preceptor Award (LPN)

For an outstanding Licensed Practical Nurse (nominated by their peers) who, as a Nursing Educator or a designated Preceptor in a clinical setting, consistently demonstrates excellence in the provision of nursing education in their workplace.

Interprofessional Development Award (non-LPN)

For a non-LPN health care leader (nominated by an LPN) who is instrumental in building quality practice environments.

How to Nominate

How to Nominate

See Nomination Forms for How to Nominate, Nomination Forms, Eligibility Criteria, and Frequently Asked Questions.


Contact Foundation Secretariat Marjorie Malenfant at, 780-484-8886, or 1-800-661-5877 (toll free in Alberta).


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